Tiffany's 101 in 1001

An exercise in futility

Archive for January, 2008


January 27, 2008 By: tiffany1001 Category: Uncategorized

Not the TV Show – but my actual friends! Although I didn’t get to cross anything else off my list this week, I was touched to hear that some of my friends are starting their own 101 lists. Two of my best-friends from high school, Leah and Jennifer (I just can’t get used to calling her Jenn yet), have started their lists and for some reason this makes me feel even closer to them. It was really hard to move so far away from all of them 5 years ago (at the time they were all in Indiana – since then Micah has moved to Florida) and I still miss them terribly. Not very many of us stay in touch weekly, but somehow we still keep up with each other and I try to see everyone at least once a year – either holidays or The Pumpkin Show. This year I was blessed to have 4 of them come to Austin for my wedding! I wish I could have spent more time with them, and shown them around the city and how fun it is, but hopefully it’s a reason to have them come back! Anyway – here’s to friends… young and old, near and far – they’re still SO special to me and I hope they all know how much I love them!

The Eight

Adios #81 and #88!

January 19, 2008 By: tiffany1001 Category: Uncategorized

This week, I managed to complete 2 more goals.  The first, and most exciting, is that I got a new job!  Still with the same company, but I’m moving to the “User Experience” group.  Basically, I’ll work with a bunch of Psychologists who design user interfaces (anything that you can actually “see” on your computer screen).  They’ll do their magic to create recommendations and new designs, and then I’ll implement it!   I think I’m the only “techie” in the group, for now, but they might be looking to hire another person in the next year.  Sounds totally fun to me, and I’m definitely inspired again!  I start the new job on February 1st, so the next 2 weeks will be transitioning my old work to other team members.  I can see the finish line!

#88 was also completed – I finished our “to-do” list for the house last weekend, and we’ve already started to knock out some of the items.  There are 38 items on the list, and so far we’ve managed to almost complete 1!  We’ve tackled 4 closets (only 2 to go) and managed to seriously declutter and purge a ton of useless stuff.  Goodwill should be loving us right about now!  Only our bedroom closet and the downstairs closet under the stairs are left.  The house is really starting to pile up with stuff we want to take to storage, but we’re too cheap to pay an extra month’s rent, so we’ll keep it in the house until the last possible moment.

I’m also getting close to buying an iPhone – especially since they didn’t announce the new 3G phone at MacWorld this week.  I might have it by the end of the month!

Keep on keepin’ on…

101 List Completed!

January 10, 2008 By: tiffany1001 Category: Uncategorized

Woo hoo!  I completed my 101 list today (January 9, 2007), so my official start date will be tomorrow, January 10th (which happens to be my sister’s birthday)!

The list look a lot longer than I anticipated.  I was able to brainstorm about 70 items, but the last 31 required some thinking and looking at other lists.  I also started out with a completely different set of categories than I have now, but I think the final list is pretty darn good.  Now I just need to encourage Nate and Grant (and any of my other friends that want to participate) to finish.

This should be an exciting challenge and I’m already pumped about having goals in front of me that are attainable and well-defined.

Here’s to the next 1001 days!  Stay tuned!

Starting my 101 list…

January 02, 2008 By: tiffany1001 Category: Uncategorized

It’s January 2nd, and today I’m starting to write my 101 list. The list will have short, medium, and long term goals that I will complete in 1001 days. I hope to have the list done by January 15th, so my official start date will be January 16. Wish me luck!